Assistant Escapade Directors

Assistant Escapade Directors

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

As we were traveling from Whitehorse to Dawson City we passed Lake LeBarge and I though of my good friend Rich Barr. When we arrived in Dawson City we came across this Boiler that has a sign on it which reads" The Boiler that Cremated Sam McGee" , then we saw a sign that read Robert Service. To many all this means nothing; but to Rich it all comes together with these words:" There are strange things done in the midnight sun, By the men who moil for Gold; The Arctic trails have their secret tales, That would make your blood run cold; The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, But the queerest they ever did see; Was that night on the marge of Lake LeBarge, I cremated Sam McGee." By Robert Service

Rich, We love ya

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