Assistant Escapade Directors

Assistant Escapade Directors

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eating with friends......Escapee's

When we left Whitehorse, Yukon we wet Larry & Marilyn Forbes and we keep running into them. Here in Homestead AK we are all having a Low Country Boil. For those who don't know, it has potatoes, boil corn, ounions, chicken shrimp and sausage all cooked together. We were also joined by Gary & Mary Olson from California. They had never heard of this combination. Look at their faces as they eat and be the judge, did they enjoy it or not. They had seconds.

Bennit with his plate full.

Sharon and Fran enjoying the same.

Wanda and Marilyn chowin down.

Down on the Kenai in the National Forest eating again. This is a really, really fast camera that I have to catch these three feeding. Other wise it would have been a blur. their eating Bar-B-Que Rib's.

Sharon with a grin about some comment she made. She is always trying to get even with us for picking on her.

Look at these two, have cleaned out the one of the Rib plater's.

No wonder Fran is so little, He didn't get any food.

Sharon eating again. This time Ice Cream from a store in Ninilchik. Notice her Bib. It's the same as a New Mexico State Flower (Plastic Bag). After she ate all of the Ice Cream we were riding the road and she was still wearing the Bib.

Too much to eat, I think I'' take a nap while we ride.

The Great American Symbol. I'm watching over all.

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