Assistant Escapade Directors

Assistant Escapade Directors

Friday, June 17, 2011

A bad fishing is better than a good day working.

It's true, A bad fishing is better than a good day working. Here Bennit is landing a wild King Salmon. It weighed 22 lbs.  We are not telling about the TWO (2 ) that he lost.

Another one in the boat. This time it's mine, a Hatchery Salmon 18 to 20 lbs. The difference is the top back fin has been clip on the hatchery Salmon. They release around 200,000 a year from the hatchery. We were fishing the Kasilof (K-see-lof) River.

Me by my catch.

Bennit by his catch. The wild Salmon is more silver than the hatchery.

As always there are Eagles around watching over us.

A great Halibut fishing. From the langing left the 3rd and 6th are ours along with 2 on the ground. 26 lbs of filets.

Don't we look whipped. It was a rough day a sea.

These are the ones that we caught our of Homer just the day before the above ones. We've fished 4 out of the last 5 days. Two days Halibut and 2 days Salmon fishing.

Launching at the river with the Guide.

Another beauty. This one is a wild Salmon. I only had 2 hits for 2 fish.

Ain't this a great picture.

The native way of fishing. No wonder the fishing is getting worse. They are catching all the blanked blanked fish.

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