Assistant Escapade Directors

Assistant Escapade Directors

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Well it's been several days now since the last posting. We've left the lower 48 and headed North to Alaska thru Canada. We had fun at the Border up 95 in Idaho. The young Agents were feeling their oats and searched all  of us. When they could only find a Guitar Strap in Bennitt's Guitar Case, they just knew that we had Gun's. To them it was a Rilfe strap. After that we headed north to Banff National Park then Jasper National Park. Many many beaautiful sites and lots of animals. We spent a few days in Whistlers campground in Jasper NP.

We saw many Elk along the way

Ain't we cute in front of the frozen lake

Bushnell, FL folks, the Fence and Tree has arrived in Canada. It slipped thru Customs undected.

Whistlers Campground Jasper National Park

Dawson Creek British Columbia. Mile mark "O" on the Alaska/Canada Hwy

This is a scale model of the only wooden bridge that exit today on the Alcan Hwy

This is the real thing, we crossed it

Bea and Bennitt Crossing

Frozen Lake

Stone Sheep onlt found in this area, we saw 6

We don't know what these 3 wild animals are


Black Bear

Yes we put up our tags

So did Bea and Bennitt

Wild Horse's

Laird Hot Springs where we took a dip. We are in Whitehorse Yukon Canada today the 26th of May. We leave out tomorrow headed for Dawson City the Top of the World Hwy to Chicken Alaska. Will tryn to post more in Alaska. The internet here in Canada, in one word "Suck's" with a capital "S". We were advised not to use our air card because of the high Data rates "$2.50/MB  Later

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