Assistant Escapade Directors

Assistant Escapade Directors

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Filling those plated (escapee's thing)

mmmmmm good

Wanda & Bea trying crawfish 1st time

Back of Nancy,Larry,Bennit,Barbara

Roy,Sara,Ron,Barbara,Bennit,Wanda & Sharon

Jim & Penny and Larry & Nancy

Rest Area stop

Lunch stop
Well we've been on the road now for a few days and visited plantation, AL stopped in Roberts , LA to visit my good friend James Breland (Like a Brother) and his work crew, then onto Rainbow's End in Livingston, TX. We stopped here for 2 days, saw Jim and Penny Scott, Roy and Barbara Dalton, Sharon Bradshaw, Ron and Sara Duke and Larry and Nancy a few others. We all got together for a low country boil and Roy and Barbara brought 5 lbs of Crawfish to go with the other. You can tell from the following pictures that a good time was had by all. We leave out on Sunday morning the 17th of April headed for Deming, NM

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are on the road. Tried to post comment about the tornado but it did not go through. We are so happy you two are fine. Have a great summer. See you in Gillette.

    Safe travels
